Difference between Antistatic and ESD
A shoe is considered antistatic if the measured resistance falls within the range of 100 kiloohms (10^5 ohms) to one gigaohm (10^9 ohms). Antistatic shoes must be used according to standards to reduce electrostatic charge and ensure its dissipation. This is necessary when the risk of electric shock from electrical devices or live parts cannot be ruled out, or when there is a risk of igniting flammable substances or vapors due to sparks. The goal is to protect the wearer of the safety shoes (and also people in the vicinity) from hazards associated with electrical charge.
For ESD-capable shoes, the lower limit of resistance is also 100 kiloohms, but the upper limit is 100 megaohms (1 x 10^8 ohms). This means that an ESD-capable shoe is always antistatic as well. However, an antistatic shoe is not automatically ESD-capable. ESD-capable shoes protect not only the wearer and those nearby but also safeguard workpieces and equipment through controlled dissipation.